
Scaling Chain-of-Information Speech Generation

Authors: Dong Zhang*, Xin Zhang*, Jun Zhan, Shimin Li, Yaqian Zhou, Xipeng Qiu

School of Computer Science, Fudan University


Benefiting from effective speech modeling, current Speech Large Language Models (SLLMs) have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in in-context speech generation and efficient generalization to unseen speakers. However, the prevailing information modeling process is encumbered by certain redundancies, leading to inefficiencies in speech generation. We propose Chain-of-Information Generation (CoIG), a method for decoupling semantic and perceptual information in large-scale speech generation. Building on this, we develop SpeechGPT-Gen, an 8-billion-parameter SLLM efficient in semantic and perceptual information modeling. It comprises an autoregressive model based on LLM for semantic information modeling and a non-autoregressive model employing flow matching for perceptual information modeling. Additionally, we introduce the novel approach of infusing semantic information into the prior distribution to enhance the efficiency of flow matching. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that SpeechGPT-Gen markedly excels in zero-shot text-to-speech, zero-shot voice conversion, and speech-to-speech dialogue, underscoring CoIG's remarkable proficiency in capturing and modeling speech's semantic and perceptual dimensions.

Speech-to-Speech Dialogue:

SpeechGPT-Gen can respond to a speech instruction with speech response matching the timbre of a given speech prompt.

Instruction Speech Prompt Speech Response Speech

Zero-shot Voice Conversion:

Source Speech Prompt Speech Generated Speech

Zero-shot Text-to-Speech:

Text Speaker Prompt SpeechGPT-Gen Groundtruth
The strollers took their part in it with hearty zest now that they had some chance of beating off their foes.
She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station. .
He claimed his insurance company contested the damages, not the restaurant.
This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow, with little or no green or blue.
The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-imposition of a number of bows.